Officer/Chair Responsibilities:

Officers (Executive Committee)

President:  The main function of the President is to call meetings and provide an agenda for each meeting.  The President needs to make sure that the Board functions according to the LuMin St. Louis Constitution and By-Laws as well.  The President should also have knowledge of the functioning of each member and/or sub-committee of the Board and “be aware” of the various aspects of the ministry.  In between meetings of the Board, it is recommended that the President meet regularly (minimum of monthly) with the Campus Pastor to stay abreast of what is happening in the ministry.

Vice-President:  The Vice-President shall preside at Board Meetings in the absence of the President.  The Vice-President is also strongly recommended to oversee the process of inviting new members to serve on the Board.

Secretary:  The main responsibility of the Secretary is to record minutes of the Board meetings and any Executive Committee meetings.  The Secretary is instructed to file minutes, resolutions, and consent to take action at the LuMin St. Louis office and also transmit promptly a copy of such minutes to the Board at their next meeting.

Treasurer:  The Treasurer shall be the chief fiscal officer of the Board.  The Treasurer shall have responsibility for the receipt and disbursement of all monies for the safekeeping of monies and securities of the Board and keep an accurate account of all financial transactions and report thereon at each meeting of the Board.  The Treasurer, in conjunction with the Campus Minister, shall also prepare an annual budget for Board approval.


Trivia Night Chair:  The Trivia Night Chair shall be responsible for supervising LuMin St. Louis’s largest fundraiser of the annual Trivia Night.  The TN Chair will delegate responsibilities for advertisement, invitation, donations, questions,  and general “to-do’s” among Board members. The event historically is the weekend near the Super Bowl and planning should begin 4 months in advance.

Congregational Relations Chair:  The Congregational Relations Chair shall supervise the establishment of a relationship between the ministry of LuMin St. Louis and, ideally, each ELCA congregation within the St. Louis metro area.  The Chair is encouraged to oversee the establishment of a relationship among each board member and their respective congregations.  The Chair is encouraged to nurture the relationships that already exist between LuMin St. Louis and St. Louis congregations, as well as intently seek out new relationships among congregations that are not familiar with LuMin St. Louis.

Current Board of Directors


President: Elizabeth Neuf, Gethsemane Lutheran Church

Vice President: Jennifer Williamson, Bethel Lutheran Church

Treasurer: Kevan Freundt, Bethel Lutheran Church

Secretary: Jane Sauerbrunn, Bethel Lutheran Church


Matthew Hibbard, St. Mark’s Clayton

Stacey Christiansen, Good Shepherd, Manchester

Elijah Crouch, Grace UMC

Rev. Scott Benolkin, ex.oficio, Bethel Lutheran Church